Monday, September 6, 2010

e-Governance in india

                   What is e-Governance ?

It is electronic governance.
               In simple word,

               E-Governance is nothing but a mediator between government and citizens. It is the use of a range of modern information and technologies by government to improve efficiency ,service etc.

      i.e. Internet,mobile,local area network

                 Types of e-Governance ?

1. Government TO Citizens         (G2C)
2. Government TO Business       (G2B)
3. Government TO Employee      (G2E)
4. Government TO Government  (G2G)

1. Government TO Citizens (G2C)

G2C is transaction between Government and Citizens. It includes,
    àBasic citizens services such as online registration of birth/death/marriage certificates
 àHealth care, education services etc.
 àfiling of income taxes

Example: The example of Government to Citizens is that  
              à National Portal of India

2. Government TO Business (G2B)

G2B is transaction between government and Business.It includes ,

 à Dissemination of policies, memos etc.
 à Government rules and regulations.
 à Business information
 àApplication forms, renewing licenses,registration, payment of taxes.
Example: The example of Government to Business is that  
             à Business Portal of India

3. Government TO Employee (G2E)

G2E is transaction between government and Employee.It Includes,
 à Online conference for employee   
 à Online training
 à Employee information

Example: The example of Government to Employee is that  
             à e-Training for Employees

4. Government TO Government (G2G)

G2G is transaction between between the central/national and local governments, and between government department and agencies and organisation.It Includes,

 à Records by state government
 à Schemes,plan,Initiatives

Example: The example of Government to Government is that  
            àe-governance standard Portal of India

                           Advantages of e-Governance
  1. Fast & easy services
  2. Increased accountability
  3. Increased transparency
  4. Reduced corruption
  5. Increased efficiency due to connectivity
  6. Tickets & fines
  7. E-polling tax filing
  8. E-voting
  9. Vehicle registration
  10. Transaction
                   Challenged Faced 
  1. Clarity about objective
  2. Provided services
  3. Misconception about information transparency
  4. Localization
  5. Security threats & legal issue
  6. Maximum use of infrastructure
  7. Standardization

 à e-governance is playing an increasingly important role     
         in modern governance.
    à Various agencies of the government &  civil society
         organisations have taken a large number of initiatives across the country.

   à e-governance initiatives can be successfully
         implemented in the 28 states & 7 union territories
         covering  more than 1 billion population.
    àThis capacity is show, India would further strengthen the 
        strong & dynamic democratic institutions & thereby
        secure growth & development for all its citizens.

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